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ABA content & other materials on equity & improvement in the Justice System.  


A dynamic panel discussion on the history of voting rights in the United States, with focus on the 14th, 15th and 19th Amendments.

"Give me your tired, your poor, your huddled masses yearning to breathe free."

This webinar will be and open and honest discussion on Racial Justice in America in light of the events since the murder of George Floyd. The panel will provide perspectives from the African American, Muslim, Asian American, Hispanic, and Native American communities.

Building A Diverse Bench

Building A Diverse Bench: Selecting Federal Magistrate and Bankruptcy Judges. Produced by the Judicial Division and the Brennan Center for Justice at the New York University School of Law, this manual provides guidance on how courts can increase diversity among federal magistrate and bankruptcy judges.

Statements on George Floyd Death and Protests

The ABA Division for Bar Services has gathered a list of bar association statements regarding the death of George Floyd and the subsequent protests.

Related Webinars

Webinar - Holistic Well-being Strategies and Destigmatizing Asking for Help

Join Jonathan Bogues, LaKeisha Randall, and R. Gary Spencer, to learn techniques for improving your well-being and overcoming impostor syndrome, including ways to minimize the impact of your inner critic, enhance your own success, and transform the narrative around seeking assistance.