On April 9th-11th, over 300 ABA members and state and local bar leaders from across the country took to Capitol Hill for the 23rd annual ABA Day in Washington. Every year, this event focuses on connecting ABA members face-to-face with their federal legislators to meaningfully advance the issues affecting the legal profession. This year participants focused on restoring the Legal Services Corporation (LSC) funding for fiscal year 2020 and on preserving the Public Service Loan Forgiveness (PSLF) program, both of which have been targeted for elimination by the current administration.
This year also saw the launch of an online campaign that ran in conjunction with ABA Day dubbed #ABADay Digital. This campaign gave legal professionals nationwide the opportunity to support ABA members on the Hill online, as well as the ability to send advocacy messages directly to their own members of Congress. This new effort was a great success with over 39,000 people viewing the campaign, over 200 advocacy letters being sent to Capitol Hill, and over 400 advocacy messages posted using social media.