In May, the ABA Governmental Affairs Office (GAO) participated in the 2024 GPSolo, LP & YLD Joint Spring Conference in Omaha Nebraska, which proved to be full of insightful sessions, networking opportunities, and valuable chances to connect with colleagues.
During the conference, the GAO shed light on current legislative developments in Washington, D.C. by speaking on two panels and encouraging involvement in our Grassroots Action Team throughout the conference. Our focus at this event was to encourage attendees to submit comments to the Department of Education on proposals for student debt relief, which was the perfect entry point for first-time advocates and young lawyers interested in explaining how student debt affects them.
Despite the short notice and comment period published in the Federal Register, the GAO created an online advocacy campaign that empowered advocates to submit their personal comments by the deadline using the ABA Congressional Messaging Portal. Having several IPADs onsite at the conference helped attendees complete the process in under five minutes. Ultimately, almost 400 comments were successfully submitted by ABA participants during the two weeks the campaign was active.
Besides sharing their stories and sending comments, attendees could also view other online tools and advocacy campaigns and ask questions about the ABA’s grassroots action program onsite. Networking receptions provided additional opportunities to engage and explore potential advocacy interests of the participating entities.
The GAO staff is dedicated to amplifying the collective voices of ABA members and our legal profession and to advancing ABA policies that promote access to justice. The 2024 GPSolo, LP & YLD Joint Spring Conference provided the perfect platform to further that goal, and we welcome the opportunity to continue the conversations started in Omaha.
If you would like to hear more about the ABA GAO at conferences and events, please follow us on LinkedIn and Twitter @ABAGrassroots.