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May 2020 Washington Letter


This Month's Articles

Federal Government

Historic Rule Change in the House

In a historic rule change on May 15, 2020, Chairman Jim McGovern (D-MA) of the House Rules Committee introduced H. Res. 965 to authorize remote voting by proxy in the House of Representatives and remote committee proceedings during the COVID-19 public health emergency for a 45-day period. This 45-day period may be extended for an additional 45 days or terminated earlier, depending on the status of the emergency. Proxy voting had been allowed in House committees previously, but never on the House floor in its 231-year history.


View the Washington Letter archive, which includes PDF versions of the Washington Letter from the 111th Congress to now.

About the Washington Letter

The ABA Washington Letter is a monthly publication produced by the Governmental Affairs Office to report and analyze congressional and executive branch action on legislative issues of interest to the ABA and the legal profession. The newsletter highlights ABA involvement in the federal legislative process and focuses on the association's legislative and governmental priorities and other issues on which the ABA has policy.

Current Washington Letter

Contact: Eric Storey, Director of Grassroots and Digital Advocacy, 202-662-1770