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August 30, 2024

ABA Policy Positions At-A-Glance

The ABA has posted summaries of its key advocacy policies. Check them out!

The ABA has posted summaries of its key advocacy policies. Check them out!

The ABA currently has thousands of active ABA policies on diverse issues of interest to the legal profession, many of which have been a focus of the Association’s advocacy for decades.

Some policy issues are enduring and form the foundation of the ABA’s annual advocacy priorities though. For example, the ABA’s efforts to protect and support the legal profession, an impartial federal judiciary, access to justice for vulnerable populations, and improvements to our criminal justice system are just a few of our priorities that fall into this category.

Want to know more details about the ABA’s advocacy views on each of these enduring priorities and others? The Governmental Affairs team has now posted short summaries of the key policies adopted by the House of Delegates that inform the ABA’s advocacy on each of its enduring issues. Click here to read them.

Follow us on X @ABAgrassroots to learn when additional policy summaries are posted.

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