Magna Carta is celebrating its 800th anniversary this year, and the ABA Division for Public Education has launched a new website with the support of the Magna Carta Trust. The website, Magna Carta: Icon of Liberty, tells the story of the significance of Magna Carta through images and multimedia components. Features include nearly 100 sortable images related to Magna Carta, an interactive timeline chronicling 800 years of Magna Carta history, and a listing of Magna Carta-related resources. The website utilizes images drawn from documents, murals, architecture, monuments, historical sites, and pop culture. The story of Magna Carta began in 1215, when the charter was signed by King John to make peace with the English barons, and the document is connected to fundamental legal principles, including due process, speedy trials and trial by jury. A commemoration of the document is the theme of this year’s Law Day, a national day set aside each year on May 1 to celebrate the rule of law. Chief Justice John G. Roberts Jr. launched the ABA’s year-long Magna Carta anniversary celebration with a speech to the House of Delegates last August at the Annual Meeting in Boston. The association will culminate its celebration July 11-15 at historic sites in London and Runnymede, where the newly refurbished ABA Magna Carta Memorial, established in 1957, will be rededicated. For more information, visit or