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June 01, 2015

Legal Services Corporation

LSC would be funded at $385 million – a $10 million increase − under the provisions of a fiscal year 2016 appropriations bill approved this month by the Senate Appropriations Committee. The Senate committee’s amount is $85 million more than the House approved for the LSC in its version of the funding bill for Commerce, Justice, Science and Related Agencies that passed June 3 by a vote of 242-183. The ABA supported President Obama’s request of $452 million for the program, and ABA President William C. Hubbard emphasized in statements submitted to the House and Senate this spring that more funding is needed to address the growing need for civil legal services for low-income Americans. When people are unable to resolve their civil legal matters, they are more likely to require other forms of publicly funded assistance, he explained. The Senate bill now moves to the full Senate for consideration.

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