One Pager
Our one pager to be used for virtual Capitol Hill visits, and as a reference for advocates.
Persuade Congress to give the Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) the authority to support legal services for homeless veterans. Nearly 40,000 veterans are homeless on any given night. The VA is currently not allowed to fund legal help, and the growing economic instability following the coronavirus pandemic only threatens to make difficult challenges for these veterans worse. Lack of access to legal services plays a huge role in why veterans continue to be homeless.
The legal community owes more than gratitude to military veterans. The rule of law, itself, relies on the service and sacrifice of military families to safeguard our security and way of life. Ironically, military service and injuries can undermine a person’s ability to address legal issues when they arise, and if allowed to persist, these legal problems can become total barriers to critically-needed help. Lawyers consequently have a unique and vital role in supporting those who have worn the nation’s cloth.
To contact the ABA staff member, Kenneth Goldsmith who works on veterans affairs issues, click here.