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Anna Savva

Program Associate

Region: Africa
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Anna Savva, Program Associate, joined the American Bar Association Rule of Law Initiative’s (ABA ROLI) Africa Division in January 2025. Before joining ABA ROLI, Anna was selected as the first Scoville Peace and Security Fellow to work at International Crisis Group, where she supported the US Advocacy and Research Team in Washington, DC. In this role, Anna contributed to the research and promotion of conflict prevention policy recommendations to decision-makers, addressing conflicts across every continent. Anna’s professional and academic background centers on transitional justice, conflict resolution, peacebuilding, and human rights. While pursuing her MA, Anna worked with the UN Secretary General's innovation lab (UN Global Pulse) on foresight analysis, crisis response and conflict prevention. She holds an MA from Columbia University’s Institute for the Study of Human Rights, and a BA from Queens College in Political Science and Comparative Literature, with a specialization on African fiction.