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Azra Delalic

Program Manager

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Azra Delalic, Program Manager, joined ABA ROLI’s Europe & Eurasia Division in January 2023 and manages our Central Asia portfolio. Her professional experience is concentrated in fragile, conflict-affected countries, managing private sector development and economic growth initiatives as well as coordinating development in humanitarian settings. She has worked in a dozen countries across Europe & Eurasia, South Asia and West Bank regions for major bi- and multi- lateral donor organizations including the World Bank and IFC, UN, SIDA and Austrian Development Cooperation. Ms. Delalic managed USAID-funded programs and consulted for well-established international development consulting companies such as Carana Corporation, Cardno Emerging Markets and Chemonics International in Washington, DC. She holds an MBA from IEDC-Bled School of Management, and in addition to her native Bosnian, Serbian and Croatian, she speaks English.