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Joel Bacorro

Regional Monitoring, Evaluation, and Learning Manager

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Joel Bacorro, Regional MEL Manager, joined ABA ROLI in February 2020. Following a recent reorganization, he transitioned from a hands-on M&E role in the Philippines field office to a regional advisory position.  Before ABA ROLI, his career spanned over 12 years as a project consultant, actively contributing to development projects in diverse sectors like infrastructure, transportation, agriculture, and climate resilience. These projects, funded by institutions like the World Bank, JICA, and AusAID/DFAT, were implemented in collaboration with various Philippine government agencies. He also provided M&E expertise to the World Bank's Manila office for two years through a short-term consultancy. One of his major accomplishments was the development of a web-based M&E System for a pilot province of the Climate Resilience and Green Growth Project implemented in the Philippines by the Global Green Growth Institute. Prior to joining ABA ROLI, Joel worked as M&E Specialist for the Philippine Rural Development Project of the Department of Agriculture. He has a Bachelor of Arts degree in Economics.