Support Package
All volunteer participants serving over 90 days receive a generous support package that covers travel, housing and general living and business expenses. In-country foreign language training and medical evacuation are also included. Participants serving for shorter periods will receive a similar, but less comprehensive, package.
Legal Specialists reside in host countries for varying periods of time, and work closely with legal professionals, local governments, non-governmental organizations, law schools, and other institutions to identify legal reform priorities and implement technical assistance projects.
Overseas Participants serving 90 days or longer receive:
Living and Housing Allowance
- A monthly allowance to cover ordinary in-country living expenses such as meals and incidentals, falling within the U.S. State Department per diem rates;
- Rent payments for furnished apartments;
- Transportation to and from overseas assignments and approved in-country business travel to regional workshops and conferences;
- Reimbursement for excess airline baggage depending on length of term abroad;
Medical Evacuation Coverage
- Medical evacuation to cover the cost and arrangements of transport to the nearest medical facility adequate to address the medical emergency;
Business Expenses
- All allowable business expenses;
Foreign Language Study
- Reimbursement of up to $500 for language training and/or materials purchased prior to departure;
- In-country study of the host country language with local language tutors;
Student Loans
- Public service deferments are usually available to those serving a minimum of one year;
ABA Membership
- Dues waivers are available to participants serving a minimum of one year;
Overseas Participants serving less than 90 days receive:
Lodging, meals and incidentals
- Reimbursement for meals and incidentals falling within the U.S. State Department per diem rates;
- Reimbursement for lodging;
- Transportation to and from overseas assignments and approved in-country business travel to regional workshops and conferences;
- Reimbursement for excess airline baggage depending on length of term abroad (determined on a case-by-case basis);
Medical Evacuation Coverage
- Medical evacuation to cover the cost and arrangements of transport to the nearest medical facility adequate to address the medical emergency;
Business Expenses
- All allowable business expenses;