In Indonesia, the American Bar Association Rule of Law Initiative’s (ABA ROLI) Program to Strengthen Legal Protections (PSLP) works with local legal aid and Indigenous rights organizations, including Jakarta Legal Aid Institute (Indonesian, Lembaga Bantuan Hukum - LBH Jakarta) and Association of Defenders for Indigenous People in Indonesia (Indonesian, Perhimpunan Pembela Masyarakat Adat Nusantara - PPMAN), to ensure equitable access to justice for marginalized and vulnerable individuals and communities. Through PSLP, ABA ROLI trains lawyers and law students to increase their knowledge of the legal issues impacting minority and Indigenous communities; supports lawyers taking cases involving discrimination; and provides legal aid and awareness to Indigenous communities and leaders. We also raise awareness among the public about human rights, including working with filmmakers to make a docuseries about members of minority communities in Indonesia, and by training and mentoring journalists to report on issues impacting those communities.
Program to Strengthen Legal Protections
In 2023, PSLP strengthened the knowledge and capacity of 90 lawyers from across Java in providing legal support and advocating for the rights of the marginalized. The trained lawyers applied their skills in their work, providing legal support to 17 beneficiaries from marginalized communities. These trained lawyers are expected to continue providing legal support throughout 2024 and committed to promoting the protection of the marginalized and vulnerable groups beyond the lifetime of the program. PSLP also launched a mentorship program for law students titled “Pathways to Pluralism: Cultivating Tomorrow’s Legal Champion” to promote future generations of lawyers who can continue to fight for the vulnerable, public interest and human rights, initiating social change for the better. Fourteen law students from across Java are participating in the first mentee cohort, which incorporates both academic and practical components to equip law students with necessary knowledge and skills to encourage and prepare them to be advocates.