Escalations in recent years on restrictions on FOE and related fundamental rights in Tanzania have led to an erosion of civil liberties under previous administrations, although a commitment to certain reforms by President Samia Hassan has opened the door for the expansion of civic space. In September 2023, ABA ROLI signed an award to begin a new two-year program for Advancing Freedom of Expression in Tanzania. ABA ROLI, alongside local Tanzanian partner organizations, will advance this goal through supporting coalitions of freedom of expression advocates; raising awareness and understanding of FOE rights among journalists, civil society, lawyers, and the public at large; support for strategic litigation; and dialogues convening journalists, CSOs, and lawyers with policymakers. Our capacity building initiatives target under-represented regions and stakeholders from marginalized and vulnerable communities, keeping sustainability in mind for activities in order to develop enduring practices. For the project start up, we have engaged in coordination with local partners to administer subawards and coordinate a consortium-based approach. ABA ROLI is set to begin activities in Tanzania in early 2024.