English Translation
The American Bar Association Rule of Law Initiative (ABA ROLI) partnered with the Southern and Eastern African Chief Justices’ Forum (SEACJF) to orchestrate an experience-sharing visit between the judiciaries of Angola and Namibia from November 17-23, 2024, as a component of ABA ROLI’s Promoting the Rule of Law program in Angola. The Angolan delegation comprised four judges, led by a Judge Counselor from the Supreme Court, with other members consisting of two judges from the Criminal and Guarantees Chamber of the District of Luanda and a judge from the Civil Chamber of the District of Luanda. They were supported by ABA ROLI staff and the SEACJF Coordinator from Zambia.
ABA ROLI’s Promoting Rule of Law program in Angola works to strengthen the Angolan judicial system by fostering a robust dialogue around judicial processes, decision-making, and constitutionalism, as well as supporting judges directly with capacity-building activities to improve judicial independence and effectiveness. By supporting a coalition of Angolan legal professional organizations, civil society, academics, and select government stakeholders, ABA ROLI and program partners are working to strengthen Angola’s legal framework for judicial independence. Additionally, this will improve citizens’ ability to demonstrate awareness of their legal rights and responsibilities and increase Angola’s judges and courts’ ability to manage and make judgements in cases fairly and effectively.