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March 18, 2013

Buying or Selling a Home

Basics of Selling a Home

What happens at the closing?

It's time to get your money. You have a right to receive a copy of the estimated closing costs two days before closing. Have your attorney check it for accuracy.

Check with the closing agent at the title company before the closing date to be sure all necessary paperwork has been done.

Your real estate agent will be at the closing to collect her or his commission check from the closing agent.

If you have a mortgage, your mortgage will be paid off and you will receive a check for the remainder of the selling price, minus the listing agent's commission and any other costs you agreed to pay.

>>What legal papers should I have before putting my home on the market?
>>Do I need a real estate agent? An attorney?
>>Legally, what is an offer?
>>What’s usually in the contract of sale?
>>What happens at the closing?
>>Where can I get more information?

Practical Law Home | Buying or Selling a Home | Basics of Buying a Home
*Basics of Selling a Home* | Why Real Estate Is Covered By Special Laws | Real Estate Brokers
The Purchase Contract | Financing a Home Purchase | The Closing | The Fair Housing Act
Where to Get More Information